Volume 23 Preprint 48

Effect of Ultrafine Grain Structure on Corrosion Behavior of 5083 Aluminum Alloy Produced via Accumulative Roll Bonding

Majid Oghabneshin, Mostafa Alizadeh and Masoud Yousefi

Keywords: Aluminum 5083, Electrochemical corrosion, Accumulative roll bonding, Potentiodynamic polarization, Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

Aluminum-magnesium alloys 5000 series are widely used in marine and shipbuilding industries. However, the presence of β phase with anodic nature leads to lower corrosion properties of the alloy and creates restrictions in many applications. In this study, microstructural, mechanical and electrochemical corrosion properties of aluminum 5083 after applying ARB process were investigated via vickers micro hardness tests, optical and electron microscopy, potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy tests. The results showed that increasing the ARB process cycles will lead to the formation of ultra-fine grain microstructure. Obtained results from vickers micro hardness tests showed that increasing cycles causes hardness improvement and uniform hardness will achieve across the sample. Potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy tests in NaCl 3.5% solution found that with increasing ARB cycles, corrosion rate has considerably reduced.

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