Volume 23 Preprint 57

Exchanger tubes AISI 304L failure by pitting corrosion in H2S environment

iman Amini

Keywords: Pitting corrosion, stainless steel, CPT, sulfure species

In this case study, we want to investigate the factors that cause pitting corrosion on stainless steel 304l. In a gas refinery a heat exchanger 304l stainless steel tubes, and after a few months, its tubes have undergone pitting corrosion.To analyze the corrosion products and possible compounds affecting the Pitting corrosion, XRD, and XRF tests were performed. Also, SEM and EDX test was done from the inner surface of the tube. The inlet feed was wet sour gas that contained H<sub>2</sub>S. The infiltrating oxygen reacts with the system with hydrogen sulfide and produces dust and sulfur compounds, including S<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub><sup>2-</sup>, which increases the rate of anodic reactions in the Pit. Thiosulfate also reacts in the acidic environment of the pit, causing the presence of elemental sulfur on the surface of the pit and preventing the reformation of the passive layer.&nbsp; Our aim in this paper is to investigate the effect of oxygen penetration into environments containing H<sub>2</sub>S and the production of sulfur and sulfur compounds on pitting corrosion of stainless steel 304l

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