Volume 23 Preprint 66

Investigation of Erosion Behaviors of Different Elbow Pipes with Corrosion Defects

Wenbo Cai, Chuanjun Han, He Li and Yaxi Xiao

Keywords: corrosion defect, natural gas elbow, gas-solid flow, particle erosion

<p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; margin-left: 0cm; text-indent: 24pt;">Natural gas pipelines play an irreplaceable role in the process of transporting natural gas. After the pipeline is used all the year round, defects will be produced due to erosion and corrosion, resulting in the lack of pipe wall materials, affecting the surface structure of the inner arch of the elbow, and causing more serious erosion. In this paper, computational fluid dynamics(CFD) methods are used to study the elbows with different angles that have produced corrosion defects by establishing a elbow model with defects. The erosion results of the subsequent defect elbows caused by the natural gas containing particles is predicted. The results show that the existence of corrosion defects will affect the erosion distribution of elbows with different bending angles, and the locations where defects have occurred are more likely to be damaged by erosion due to the lack of tube wall materials. With the increase of the defect position angle α, the maximum erosion rate of the four types of defect elbows showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing. The maximum erosion rate positions were mainly distributed between 40° and 50°. Corrosion defects have little effect on the erosion rate of 120° elbows. It is recommended that two sections of 120° elbows be used instead of 90° elbows to realize the change of direction of the pipeline in actual application, so as to better protect the pipeline and reduce the impact of erosion corrosion.</p>

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